Monday, April 23, 2012

Body Essentials - Treating Sinus Symptoms

Interestingly enough, I didn't realize I had sinuses until a few months ago. I mean really? That's awful. But having the cold or flu-like symptoms, or anything of that nature really didn't bother me unless I actually had the flu and it knocked me out to the point where I wasn't mobile. But, what about those times when you have those symptoms, you go to the doctor to treat these sinus issues/breathing issues and realize you don't have sleep apnea or sinuses. Terrible huh?

Well I google searched it and found some interesting info:

1. Saline solutions are useful
2. Tomato Tea

1 cup tomatoe
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
1 teaspoon crushed or minced garlic

3. Multivitamin
4. Honey & Lemon Juice Mixture (breaks up cold, but doesn't relieve coughing)
5. Any hot tea works for me, in addition, I cut out cheeses, milk, sugar, and chocolate foods. I eat more citrus, since it cuts the mucus, I hydrate to relieve the throat, and use vicks vapor rub to help me with breathing. Very random extra: i put tissue in the blocked nostril, it seems to hold the mucus and clear me up especially after a hot cup of tea....

Hope one of these work for you as well. MuAh & CiAo!

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