Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hair Essentials - Progress of Hair Growth

So, my hair has grown, yayyyy!, but I'm wearing it in curls. I also am in need of a trim/cut...and I have found some split ends. I may cut about 1.5-2 inches off, but that's okay because I had about 3-4 inches of growth since my last cut. My hair keeps breaking because of my nightime routine (which I don't really have because I  fall asleep before I can properly cover/wrap/retwist/curl aka "take care" of my hair)

But have no fear, I have a plan. I will cut my hair in particular portions of my hair and I will wear my hair in twist outs until all the cutting is complete. I figure by the time it's all over, my hair would grow back and it would be healthier, plus, I can see what works well for keeping my hair other than having to reset it at night. My hair is really dumb and need lots of maintenance when wearing my hair out.

IDK if it's just me, but my hair keeps longer when it's pressed and my hair grows when I continually keep it pressed. But since I usually do summers heat free, I'll have to pay special attn to my hair. BUT i am ready for the challenge. I got a curling rod set done like a week ago.  My type 3b/3C hair kills me softly.

Live on purpose people. CiAo and MuAh!

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