Friday, April 27, 2012

Hair Essentials - Washing Natural Hair

Though I am NOT looking forward to this weekend, I am happy about washing my hair. Product in my hair becomes extremely annoying in the summer. With the heat, product seems to build up on my scalp. Honestly speaking, I could use a good scratch prior to a nice shampoo/conditioning session. But, it's difficult to do that myself and yea...i'll end that there.

1. Shampoos - using a shampoo of your choice to wash hair. Be careful of shampoos with silicones and other harsh chemicals that may dry out your natural hair. Shamppoing usually gets hair really clean, but you MUST condition you hair well and then moisturize to seal moisture in strands.

2. Co-wash - using conditioners to wash hair. This method is quite familir to many and it's a good way to get hair clean without having hard chemicals on the hair, including sulfates that are not great for conditioning hair. It is a nice way to wash hair between regular washes. sometimes I use, As I Am cowash. It smells amazing and seems to clean most of the build up on my hair from mositurziers and oils. I can even use it prior to doing presses

3. Water only method - need I say more. Just use fingertips to really take a go at your scalp and rinse hair

4. Body washes - I have heard of people using bodyw ashes to clean hair and I suppose if I were camping and really needed to wash my hair, i MIGHT use a body wash. Body wash has similar ingredients to that of shampoos, but they are less harsh on the hair and will not get the hair as clean as shampoos. BUT, it is an option.

5. Create your own - I have added eggs, mayo and even beer at one point to shampoos I've used. I used beer to thicken my natural hair the first time I was coming off the creamy crack. I used eggs and mayo for the same reason as a less harsher way of bringing bk my natural curls without having to do the "big chop" which i ended up doing anyway. I have also used olive oils, tea tree oil and castille soap in addition to my co-wash or my AphoGee shampoo to clean my hair. the olive oil tends to keep my hair shiny and healthy looking, but if I'm going to do a press I won't use it...otherwise, my hair would be like frying chicken. No bueno. Here's some info I found on natural shampoo/washing hair:

Anyhoo, after my wash, I think I might do a simple braided style to carry me over the weekend and then do twist outs during the week OR I might just go straight to doing a twist out do. I do want to get a hold of this Miss Jessie's butter I used on the last lady hair I styled. It was realllllly nice AND it's in Target.

Oh, how I miss target, I haevn't been there in a minute. Well this post will end here, I have other writing to do. I'll tell you more about that. If this simple braided style comes out looking cute as I envision it, I'm so telling you guys what I did.

Until then, live on purpose people. MuAh and CiAo!

As promised pics of what I did after washing/conditioning & straightening my hair.

I wish you could have seen the detail of it. It was really cute and of course i forgot to take a picture of the front. Next time, I will. Anyway, I wld recommend like hairstyles for weddings or nice outings. It's an easy style to do i'd have to explain it. Glad to see what I imagined come about, except next time, I'd prob leave more hair out in the front top to have a fuller curled look...anyhoot, let me get back to my Sunday.
Celtics Game is at 7 MuAh & CiAo!


  1. Awesome. Post pics of your braided style that you choose to do, or whatever style you choose. Thanks .

    1. hmm, it's mainly an idea i have in my mind, let me see if i cld find something similar on google images...didn't find anything close enough to what i'm thinking. i'm going to just have to get it done and post pic when complete. I'll keep you posted :-)

    2. do u see why I cldnt find a pic showing what I wanted...I need to do it in someone else's hair too. Ugh, I really wish i took a pic of the front or at least the front side.
