Monday, April 30, 2012

Hair Essentials - Olive Oil for Hair

So, I've heard people talking about using olive oil for hair. In fact, in a previous post I have a picture of using olive oil in addition to aloe vera juice on my scalp to relieve dandruff and create a balance of pH on my scalp. So, yes, olive oil works wonders. Here's a very easy way to do an olive oil treatment:


    • 1 Pour 1/2 cup of olive oil into a microwave-safe bowl. Heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds, or until warm.
    (CAUTION: high heat damages the nutrients and the smell of the product)
    • 2 Place a towel over your shoulders to protect clothing.
    • 3 Put a small amount of olive oil in the palm of your hand and massage it into your hair. If you have a dry scalp, massage a small amount into the scalp, as well. If you have oily hair, massage it into your hair, but stay at least 1/2 inch from the scalp. Repeat the process of massaging small amounts at a time into the hair until the hair is entirely covered with olive oil.
    • 4 Place your hair loosely on your head and cover it with a plastic shower cap.
    • 5 Relax for at least 30 minutes while the olive oil is treating your hair.
    • 6 Shampoo the olive oil out of your hair with a mild shampoo. Give a light condition with your usual conditioner. Rinse it out completely. You will see that the olive oil treatment makes you hair much softer and much more manageable, as well as gives it some added shine.
Read more: How to Use Olive Oil on Hair |
Upon researching more, I found that olive oil is used :
1. To promote healthy hair growth
2. To treat hair damaged by heat or chemicals
3. In mixtures to relieve an itchy scalp
4. To moisturize skin when used proportionately (with African American skin)
5. To soften cuticles
6. As a natural lubricant-----need I say more
7. To ease snoring
8. To prevents gallstones and soothes ulcers (who would have thought!)
9. For other household nuissances like squeaky door or stuck zipper
You must know that the more refinement done on the oil, the less nutrients the oil has and the more expensive the product becomes. You would think the more refining (more work) done on the oil will result in an increase in the price. But ah, well, you can't always get what you want. Tell me what you use olive oil for or what you know listed here that works for you.

*** If you liked this post, see post on uses for flaxseed***

Gotta love what is readily available to us. Live naturally on purpose people. CiAo & MuAh!

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