Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Body Essentials - Kindness Has Positive Health Benefits

So, one of my favorite movies is Crash with Sandra Bullock, Ludacris, etc. where one situation led to another (where the relationships literally had some link to the other and they all "crashed" together) Well, there's a commercial that is similar to the movie in that one kind deed witnessed, led to a kind deed from the person who witnessed it until it came full circle. This article I read reminded me of this movie and commercial. hmmm, let me see if i cld find the commercial:

I can't find it! :-( does anyone know what commercial i'm referencing? Anyhoo,

Apparently, there are health effects for being kind. Imagine that, you don't have to pay anything for that at all. Here is the article:


Here are some of the health benefits to being kind:
1. A stronger immune system
2. A reduction in pain
3. Relief from arthritis and asthma

The list goes on and on. Very itneresting info. At the least, being kind to someone makes you feel good about yourself and helps other feel good. For that reason alone, we should be kind to others. This was a 'feel good' post. Have a nice day everyone. Live on Purpose. MuAh & CiAo!

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