Monday, May 14, 2012

Body Essentials - Tribute to Momma

Love you, Mom! :-D
conversation before my this pic was taken:
Me: Do I HAVE to wear this hat though?
Mom: (ignoring me) preacher get the camera
Me: for real tho. It's 90 degrees in the shade and then u tie it under my neck?
Mom: Oh, u gone wear this hat (fixes her mouth like collagen)
Me: *grunting*, dad? GET. THIS. THING. OFF. ME! UGH! If i cld just get my fingers under the bow, I can just...
(dad snaps picture)
my reaction...BLOWN.
p.s. told u guys i had bags under my eyes from birth. I wasnt playing when I posted that in a previous blog. some things are just genetics. Certainly, I had plenty of rest and the only stress was that dargone hat tied to my head in this pic.
Anyhoo, Live on purpose people! MuAh & CiAo!

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