Monday, June 04, 2012

Hair Essentials - How To Trim Your Own Hair


Save a trip to the Salon! Trim your own hair. Everyone needs a way to cut costs, but let me begin with warnings:

1. If you are nervous about cutting your own hair, let a professional cut it.
2. If you have curly hair, straighten your hair, then trim.
3. If you have curly hair, you can also twist your hair and trim the ends of the twists.

Instructions from

    • Stand in the bathroom in front of the mirror. A double-sided mirror is ideal to use in order to see the back of your hair as well as the front.
    •  Take a spray bottle and spritz your hair. Damp hair is easier to cut.
    • Comb out your hair until it is very straight and tangle free. Separate the hair into sections and work on one section at a time.
    • Measure with your fingers how much that you need to trim to get rid of split ends. Snip off the portion that falls below your finger. Repeat for each section of hair.
    • Perform the same type of trim on your bangs. Make sure that you keep your fingers straight in order to keep the bangs even.

Instructions for African-American Natural Hair from

Purchase a quality pair of hair cutting scissors. kitchen sheers or scissors used to cut other items will be dull and cause you to cut off too much hair and get an uneven cut.

  • Condition and straighten your hair before trimming it by using either a fresh straightening perm, or by flat-ironing it. This will make damaged ends more obvious. It will also reveal whether you need your hair trimmed at all.

  • Examine your hair and determine how much you will need to cut. In most cases 1/4 to 1/2 inch is enough to cut to remove the damaged ends. If the hair has very short sections, or more than the ends are damaged, you may want to see a professional to have your hair cut into a style that will remove the damaged hair or hide the short sections.
  • Part the hair into thin sections, running the hair through your middle and ring finger as shown in the picture and clip the ends.
  • You can cut the ends straight across if you like your ends perfectly even. If you want a more contemporary jagged look you can take small snips at an angle.

  • For now, live on purpose people. MuAh & CiAo!

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