Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hair Essentials - Braided Updo Style

So yesterday, I did another braided updo style. Pretty simple. Turns out the braids were kinda tight and I had to loosen them up for my client. Some clients like braids tight, others, not so much. all in all, it's a very pretty style and can transition between work and play easily. Plus its easy to keep up at night, and you know how amazing that can be. To moisturize, I used all natural grease, jojoba oil and Jamaican Castor Oil (I'm in love with this stuff since I got it, such a nice texture for thick hair)

My client's hair is about 4-5 inches in length, Yes, I added hair, but I used natural hair, so it's not too obvious and the addition of hair isn't overdone.

Hope you enjoyed the pics! Live on purpose people, MuAh & CiAo!

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