Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hair Essentials - Braided Wedding Updo

Update on my hair: I'm still rocking these twists in my hair. I'm prob not going to take it out tomorrow or this weekend. Probably next week. I honeslty don't remember when I put them in, but I'm still getting compliments on them. go figure. I'll take a pic of em and post on the blog. I may wear em as a twist out and pin up over the weekend though. We'll see what happens. If the weather is too dry, probably not though. My evening regimen has been working to keep my twist nicely moisturized without being super oily. Loving this!

Well I wrote this blog today to show the pics of my friend's hair I promised. I only put one up, but you couldn't really see the do. Here's a better picture of the do I did to my one girl's hair. I thought this was sooo cute. Hope you likey:

Sweet do, huh! I love it! and she styled it well. Naturalista! Anyhoo, that's all for now. MuAh & CiAo!

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