Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Skin Essentials - African Shea Butter

So I got this African Shea Butter. I said I was going to get it about a week ago. Well, here's me finally following through. I recieved it on Monday and wil be using it on all scars and blemishes. I wonder if there will be a difference in how it looks. If there is one thing I wish I had done when I was younger, it would be to take better care of blemishes and cuts. My light-skinned behind does not look cute with blemishes all over my skin. One insect bug and my skin looks like the insect sat there comfortably gnawing at my thigh like i'm chicken. But, the shea butter promises to treat dark spots, skin discolorations, stretch marks, wrinkles and blemishes. I will try to take bi-weekly pictures of particular target spots and see what becomes of it. Here's a pic of the African Shea Butter I use.

The product reads that it also:
1. Treat dry skin, minor burns and aczema
2. Pain relieff from swelling and arthritis
3. Improves muscle relaxation and stiffness
4. Sunscreen due to its rich content of vitamins E&F
5. Massages, diaper rash, and as a hair conditioner.

To top it all off, it states that Shea Butter does not expire! I'm always behind a good product. Let's see what happens. Here is one pic of a blemish/discoloration that I will treat. Let's see what happens in 2 weeks.

That's all for now, but Live on purpose people! MuAh & CiAo!

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