Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hair Essentials - Two-Strand Twists

So, I still haven't done anything to my hair because my hair is still in my twists. I have styled them a little differently. That is I flat twisted it into 3 flat twist from the nape of my neck towards the middle top of on my head. I have the remainder of the twists down creating a half-up/half-down kind of look. For added versatility, I can untwist the twists in the front and create a funky look, or leave it as it is. I have been leaving it twisted since it's still hot drying weather.

This evening and tomorrow morning, I will continue with my hair care. I'm noticing less and less split ends and knots, so this is good. I'm hoping these twists can last me until the end of this week. I really want to wash my hair though, but I'm hanging in there. I'm trying to not tamper with my hair too much these past couple days. This is currently Day 13. The pic is from Day 11.

Yes, i had just dragged myself outta bed. Don't judge my face. Focus on the hair, lol. Anyway, that's all for now. MuAh & CiAo! Live on purpose people!

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