Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Hair Essentials - Styles with Twists

I styled my girl's hair yesterday. She has nice natural hair too. I just styled it simply. Our hair lengths are smilar, but she has a fuller head of hair.  See pics below. I'm still rocking my twists. I took out the pinup I had them in and I'm just rocking them down for now. I did my regular night care regimen to take care of my twist to keep them nice and moisturized. It's been working well. While being pinned up, my hair was missing the extra TLC. I'm hoping to have my twists last me another full week or two. But i doooo wanna wash my hair, but I don't want to wash it while it's twisted. Let's see if I can last that long. Hope you like the style I did. you can do it too!

That's all for now, MuAh & CiAo!

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