Thursday, July 05, 2012

Hair Essentials - Homemade Flaxseed Gel

I took it upon myself to make some flax seed homemade gel. Thanks boo for the ingredients! Anyway, real talk, I boiled the flaxseed and (1/2 cup of flaxseed to 2 cups of water), then The seeds will need to be strained out. I don't have a sifter! Who does that? Anyway, I would strongly suggest using a strainer. Then I added a cap filled with Aloe vera juice and 2 caps of Jamaican Castor Oil. I mixed them all together and put the mixture in my hair. It didn't smell awful, but adding essential oils would do the trick. I allowed the mixture to sit in my hair for over 25 mins, then I washed with cool water and put olive oil and jojoba oil in my hair. (I probably still have seeds in my hair) I twoel dried it before adding teh oils of course. Then I put a plastic wrap over my hair and my satin cap and went to bed.

I might be going to Spa World tonight, so I didn't want to blow dry my hair or dry it out for it to get wet tonight. But I had to look at it and touch and feel it and my hair felt soooo conditioned. Idk if you guys remember me complinaing about hos water dries my hair out, well this added oil keeps the moisture in/ seals it in good so that my hair remains nice and moisturized. I'm so happy about that. Anyhoo, here are the pics below. I'm most likely going to put my hair in curly twistout look. I love this summer do!

Live on purpose people. MuAh & Ciao!

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