Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hair Essentials - How To Moisturize Dry Hair

So, so, so blown. I tell you, all it takes is one night to create a banchee look the nexxt morning. -____-
I moisturized my hair with ur everday moisturizerand put big fat twists in it and roller set my hair. It's still in my curly roller set look, but I was trying a short cut to keep it looking fresh. I did a shortcut another night, but I don't remember exactly what I did and it came out great, but i don't remember what I used before I twisted my hair.

The results of using moisturizer and big twists and rollers is this:

Not sexy.... smh. so blown right now. i had to walk into work like this.

It might look good or cute to some folk, but at the end of the day, my hair seemed really dry, mainly because I used the moisturizer and didn't use any oil to seal the moisture. I heard today that moisturizer should only be used on damp hair and then oil to seal in moisture if hair has been dried with a blow dryer. Sure enough, in my research, it all made sense. Water is great for moisturizing, but the moisture has to be sealed in, so I could have used my moisturizer, but I would have needed to add essentials oils to seal in the moisture, other wise the water is going to dry my hair from the cuticle allt he way up the shaft. I did more research and found this site, which is similar to some other remedies I found:

http://www.ehow.com/how_4963407_moisturize-really-dry-hair.html (Really good tips!) I'm doing it tonight! (the honey and lemon joint)

At the end of the work day I ended up with my hair looking like this:

I can't wait to go home and put some jojoba and castor oil on my hair. I'm washing it tonight So good riddins to the bush and I'm welcoming new fresh hair

Don't make the same mistakes I've made. Let's be beautifully natural together and learn from each other. Sigh, OK, Good. MuAh & Ciao people. Live on purpose!

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