Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hair Essentials - Sealing Moisture in Hair

So as a much needed addendum to moisturizing dry hair, I figured I'd add a post about sealing in moisture in hair. I recently learned that yes, Spritzing my hair with water and oil is good, but I need to allow for the process to happen in order and with particular time. No wonder my hair still feels dry after adding a moisturizer and not sealing with an oil, or any other random procedures I do in an attempt to moisturize my hair.

Tips To Sealing Moisture in Hair

1. Add water, or even allow for the humidity of a shower (unless it's styled in some way that you do not want getting wet of course) allow the water to soak into hair for 15 minutes. 15 minutes, no less! Yes, the time matters. Wet the entire head. Feel free to gently scrunch hair to get additional water out and cover with a plastic cap.

2. Then, add moisturizer (i will come up with some brilliant concoction that i will start referring to as MM -my moisturizer, soon to come (-; )

3. Then add oils (jojoba oil is actually considered a wax, interesting huh and it has a low clogging probability. olive oil is good to. I use EVOO) Do this from root to tip (please pay special attn to the half ending of the hair shaft. For your natural hair oils usually are unable to get to the end of the shaft, thus the end of hair usually dried out.

Simple process huh? The order makes a difference, the time makes a difference. Even the moisturizer makes a difference.

In addition to this, I decided to go heat free, no hair dryer to dry my natural hair, and also go comb free (outside of getting my hair scratched for dandruff because that's just relaxing to me). So no combs, no heat. I will toss my combs in some draw and not look for it again until the end of August. With that said, there will be no major sculpted styles on my hair, just twists and twistouts with using water, moisturizer and oils. I'm certain with all this, I'll prob become a mixologists, lol. That egg, honey, lemon, EVOO mixture I did on my hair the other night was soooo dope! I can't wait to get the video together so I can post. So stay tuned for that.

That's all for now. MuAh & CiAo. Live on Purpose!

1 comment:

  1. Uhhhhhhhm. So, I was warned that if I came around looking like buckwheat with matted hair for lack of using a comb, i will be disowned. Thank goodness the Lord loves me buckwheat, matted and all, lol. So, let me just say that I will use the comb in the shower when detangling. I'd use my wide tooth comb as little as possible when my hair is dry to avoid/limit breakage/pulling & weakening of the hair shaft. That's about it.
