Monday, July 16, 2012

Skin Essentials - Witch Hazel

In the past, I have used Witch Hazel on my skin to close my pores after I've used a cleanser. It has helped to keep the bumps at a minimum. This particular brand Thayers Alcohol-free Tonor with Aloe Vera is actually is great purchase. I have used Clinique's happy Toner as I've stated in a previous post, but this works just as well and I love the fact that Aloe Vera Juice is listed at the top of the ingredients list. Here it is. I would suggest using this product after a cleanser to reduce oils. It helps to have skin look health and to protect skin from airborne impurities and adds moisture as opposed to drying astringents. So tighten ur pores away with this Witch Hazel Toner. Matter of fact, let me use it real quick. With this weather and my crazy hair, oils are waiting to get into my pores. Prevention is better than cure, so let me tighten these suckers up real quick.

Have a nice day, Everyone! MuAh & CiAo!

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