Friday, November 16, 2012

Body Essentials - Overeating...Guilty as charged

Ever saw something that looked so good you had to have more of it?  Well, yesterday we had lentil stew and rice for lunch (nothing super unhealthy, an actual great source of proteins in the black lentils) But, i ate until I felt like the food was coming back up...I couldn't even swallow anymore. It was awful...I felt awful, I was wobbling around uncomfortably. SMH, just awful.

But good news! I have still been taking my women's centrum under 50 vitamin with my first meal, so that's good. Kuddos to me! and I still need to fit exercise in more. Between practices and laziness I haven't made it in, honestly. I have been eating healthier foods, prob too much of it, but everything is a process. I'm working on it. :-)

Anyhoo, enjoy the weekend. I got so much things to do, including learn the words to these songs I need to sing. :-/ Yikes!

Stay cool in the game until then. lol. Got that from a coworker, he cracks me up.
Live on Purpose. MuAh & CiAo!

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