Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Body Essentials - Raw Food Dieting vs Paleo Dieting

What's the difference between these dieting methods? Which allows you to lose the most weight? Honestly, people lose weight differently so you would have to know what works best for your body. As for the difference, for starter you can eat food that has been heated over 90 degrees F, which is great! I can probably do the Paleo diet over anything.

Noone wants to start a diet before Thanksgiving. After all, thanksgiving is usually the day people cast their dieting tot he side and eat to their heart's content...whatever they can get their hands on, then they crash and wake up early to do some black Friday shopping. We have all done it at some time. This thanksgiving I'm doing things a little differently....i hope. LOL.

Anyway, getting back to the Raw Food Dieting focus...I have been eating one raw food meal a day, fruits, veggies and nuts or any combo of those items and its fine. It's better to do so than to snack on snickers, my favorite chocolate bar in the entire world. I have definitely seen a difference in the tummy area because of that option.

Here's a cool website I found that gave more of an idea about the Paleo lifestyle.

From the founder's blurb about this lifestyle to recipes you can try, nutritional facts, and so much more! It's definitely interesting and apparently you can be a member if you are really into adapting a healthier way of eating the foods you already love. Raw food dieting is great and I love alot of raw foods, but I prefer more variety in my meals....no, juicing isn't a meal. I love to experience food. Cook it, taste it, chew it, be satisfied by it. Drinking a juiced meal just isn't it for me, sorry. I ate some very healthy mashed potatoes my boo made the other day...vegan style. It was delish! Best mashed potatoes I've ever tasted actually and a healthier option that other mashed potatoes I've eaten.

Here's a pic of me after that meal. Very satisfied look, or filled look, I’d say. :-)

MuAh & CiAo!

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