Monday, November 26, 2012

Body Essentials - Post Thanksgiving

SIGH....I feel stuffed and light-headed and tired and nauseous. I know I ate too much. I missed taking my vitamin one day and I still feel like I could use some sleep even though I laid about much of the holiday. I am terrible! However, I did not eat too much this time that made me feel like throwing up. I was nauseous before I left town. I have been doing too much and suffer from motion sickness, which i take dramamine for (hmm, sounds like a blog post)

Anyhoo, thanksgiving was great overall! I ate well, had a great time with family and the beau. Oh, I had this really cute hairstyle, if I can say so myself, that I wore for a wedding for my beau's coworker. It wasn't exactly the way I wanted it to be, but I think it turned out pretty decent. I'll post pics when I get em.

Currently, my hair is in a ponytail. This is what I really wanted to get into.Luckily, I was able to have the ends of my hair feeling moisturized. I washed my hair on Friday morning to style for the wedding, but my hair doesn't dry easily and I didn't want to apply too much heat to it...(so it didn't dry properly) I was rushing to put it in a rollerset for the style I had in mind, but to style it that way I'd hv to dampen the hair to set it...dry sets don't really work in my natural thick hair...AND i didn't hv my hooded dryer, so it was a disaster to even attempt this style in such a short space of time with clean hair. Sometimes, it's easier to manage my natural hair a few days after a wash. All in all, the end of my hair became frayed and I was thinking, oh boy, i hv to cut 2 inches off the ends of my hair, but then i looked at the hair and realized that it wasn't damaged, but more manipulation of the hair would damage, split and break my ends.

SO....after the style on Friday and on Saturday, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, braided the ends into two plaits and pinned the plaits up. I moisturized the hair with JC Solutions moisturizer, jamaican castor oil, jojoba oil and the doo groo hair oil. the casor oil i applied only to the end 2 inches of my hair...Seems like my hair was slowly drying out because of how it became so frayed.Then, this am, I took my hair down, took a shower with no cap on and allowed my hair to soak in the moisture from my warm shower...I toweled off, lotioned my skin and put on under garments, which was enough time to allow the moisture into my hair. So, I sealed my hair with more castor oil and nature's best grease. I went to comb my hair out and instead of hearing a grating, crackling sound, it was soft, very manageable and the frayed ends were gone! Yayyy!!! It could have been such a disaster. Granted, I am due for a trim, but I did not want my trim to turn into a hair cut. Whew! This was close. I put some Organix mousse on my hair, brushed it back into a ponytail and braided the ends in two braids and pinned the braids. Hmm, let me see if my wack phone can snap a picture of this.

didn't tie it down or anything, I just rolled out this am. I'm just thankful that my hair feels moisturized, but just to be sure I'm going to do a conditioning treatment, since I haven't done one in a few wks and be more mindful about maintaining these treatments. I'm hoping to get my hair trimmed this weekend, if not, definitely next week.That's the plan. :-)

Did you have a Natural Hair Thanksgiving disaster or a Natural Hair Thanksgiving Curlly Goodness? lol, had both, but i love my natural hair! Here's to being natural and sassy! Muah & CiAo!

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