Thursday, November 08, 2012

Body Essentials - Raw Food Dieting?

Check-in: 3 Days in a row that I have taken my vitamin (60-day challenge)
Water Intake was over 2 liters for 2days (don't know how much water you should drink?) 33ounces n counting for day 3.

I found this to calculate the daily amount you should take using this short quiz: (simple and can be taken daily)

So, let's begin with Raw Food Dieting. What is Raw Food Dieting?

For those who don't know, Raw Food Dieting is eating foods in it's original state or rather vegan food that has not been heated over 115 degrees Fahrenheit. No, canned foods do not count.

Now that we have the definition, let's identify some foods that can fit into a raw diet:

1. Vegetables (eg. Zucchini, Squash, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Seaweeds, Rooted Vegetables, etc.)
2. Fruits ( Apple, Banana, Orange, Tomato, Lemon, other fruits)
3. Raw spices & herbs
4. Nuts & Seeds

I can think of many yummy things I eat that fall into these categories. Many of which I snack on. Mmmm.
What goes on here is that these same foods when cooked lose many of the nutrients and enzymes, which takes away from their nutritional value.

Am I interested in raw food dieting? Not necessarily. I wouldn't mind doing it for a few weeks or so, but I'd rather have 50% raw food eating, than 100%. Different strokes for different folks. I enjoy food that is heated above 115 degrees...I'm sorry like grill chicken. *shrug* lol... and I manage my eating very well so that I am healthy and within my BMI. 

However, there are persons that can lose weight, have skin become clearer, get more energy, improve overall health and digestion through a raw food diet. I may need more energy and having improved health is always a plus, but my skin is clear and if i lose any more weight, i will be blown further into the street with a gust of wind and i have little to no issues with digestion. I am also very careful about what I eat and have sadly lowered my cheese intake, cut out gluten from my diet and am always eager to learn more and cut out unhealthy snacks. I love snickers. so what, sue me! lol.

More information to come on Raw food next week. I hope to speak about preparation of meals (Ital and more!) and even some places to go for raw food eating. Stay tuned! Until then, Live Naturally on Purpose. MuAh & CiAo!

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