Monday, June 24, 2013

Body Essentials - the "Naked" truth

So this "Naked" juice, the green machine, is delish! I absolutely love it! My friend made a smoothie for me once and it was yummy too. Turns out, I can drink strawberries if it is properly diced up and the seeds are pretty much obliterated. am I the only one that can't take seeds, pulp or threading in a drink...It's to much for me texture wise.

At any rate, these drinks are delicious. I feel full off half a bottle of this stuff. But no wonder, it I s 100% juice with 5 3/4 apples, 1 banana 1 kiwi, 3/4 mango and a hint of pineapple. I wouldn't get these many servings of fruits in one sitting...maybe an apple and a banana a day and that is pushing it. this drink is so amazing I had to write a post about it.

at any rate, I did my friend's locs yesterday and I'm excited to post pics about this. I completely forgot to take a before picture and then record some of it while I was doing it. We got to talking and watching this tv show and that idea totally left my mind. Yesterday was such a great day! I did so many things and had an absolute balllllll!

It's no wonder I'm ready to go home now even after coming in to work at a later time. I love late days. Anyway, life is really good right now. It's been awhile since I've been happier. Just remember, eat and DRINK healthy. Love you. Our Natural is Beautiful. MuAh & CiAo!