Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hair Essentials - Lock Styling and Head Wraps

I have a treat for you all today. Well, it's not really a huge deal, I'm just excited to share. I did my girl's locks on Sunday. As I stated yesterday, I meant to take a before pic, but we got to talking and that idea went through the door. At any rate, I got an after pic for you.  Real quick, what I did...

1. She cleaned her locks (not certain what products she used)
2. I twisted her new growth with a moisturizing product that works well in her hair and then sealed with an oiler product, but not straight oil. (she has reported that JCO doesn't work well for her hair)

special note: Give products/oils a trial run and see what works best for your hair overtime JCO is one of he best products I use in my hair, so clearly different products for different hair

3. after twisting the new growth, I used a clip to pin the lock down.
4. After going through entire head, I removed sections of pins and braided that section starting from the nape of her neck and curved toward the right front of her head.
5. I repeated step 4 until all five sections were complete, except the front braid began at her right ear.
6. I used rubber bands to secure each braid and pulled the hair down towards the front right. See pics

I liked her locked style so much, I copied it, but used a head wrap. I made a quick DIY Head wrap video:

I ended up changing the position of the ball because I felt like it looked better on that side. But the very same steps were used, just shifted the wrap to the left side versus the right side. I hope this is easy for you to do. Keep in mind, that this is from an old twist out. *shrug* Gotta make do with an old twist out between washes.


Hope you enjoy the video and the pics! Our Natural is Beautiful, MuAh & CiAo!