Monday, July 01, 2013

Body Essentials - Interesting Diet Fads

I was on the internet trying to figure out why I was gaining belly fat so rapidly after having a relatively flat stomach a week ago. I know that when I cut out cheese and consume less dairy products that my belly flatten with exercise...I thought exercising would be enough to retain it for a week so I went all out. I had pizza, cereal all sorts of hours during the day and even right before bed (I love cereal, sue me!) and baked macaroni and cheese (my absolute favorite) and brownie and icecream. I ate at my heart's desire! lol But now I look down at my tummy and am not pleased.

So in my research I learned that in Asia right now, there is a banana shortage because the Asians believe that eating a banana for breakfast with room temperature leads to a flattened stomach, but if that was the case, my belly would be flat all the time. Because I stays eating bananas and room temperature. I hope none of you readers actually believe that you can flatten your tummy just by doing that and eating as you choose throughout the day as long as it's before dinner aka 8pm. without having to exercise. False! Yes, having a banana for breakfast is low in calories, but it's certainly not heavy enough to produce a "full feeling" for over two hours after it's eaten.

At any rate, I then learned that the best thing to do is to consume resistant starch foods that will help in producing that "full feeling" and will go undigested and can minimize the accumulation of fat. Here's a quick list:

Resistant Starch Foods eaten at a cool or room temperature (in addition to exercise)

navy beans
brown rice

Suggested meals are potato salad, frozen banana and potato soup

Well, I am not certain how well this works. Doesn't seem as though any studies were done to prove what is being theorized here, but it's certainly something to consider. *shrug* I'll continue looking into it and will update you all. 

Until then, Live on Purpose and Remember that Our Natural is Beautiful!
MuAh & CiAo!