Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hair Essentials - Twist out Gone Fro

It seems I've been rocking a fro much more these days. I really love my fro. Not quite sure what I'm going to do to it tomorrow, but this fro started out with medium sized twists. I rocked the twist out on Sunday fresh after a wash a few hours before that and then I retwisted that night and wore as twists yesterday. today I took the twists out and separated each twist. Needless to say I can't easily retwist it tonight, so retwisting is not really an option tonight. I may just pull into a loose ponytail on the top of my head and then take a steamed shower and release hair, moisturize and seal and see how that lasts...this heat is ridic and I'm afraid it will dry it out, but we'll see how great my moisturizing techniques are.

I just took this pic. I call it workflow fro, lol.

Anyway, what's your best fro to rock?

This is a cute fro for work! Too bad fros like this is like a cracked humpty dumpty! Can't be easily put back together again at the end of the day. Oh wait. I can try the baggy method, but i'll pass on that for tonight and try that method another evening. :-) Anyhoo, time to leave work.
Our Natural is Beautiful 2013. Live on Purpose, MuAh & CiAo!