Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Body Essentials - 10 Healthy and 10 Unhealthy Foods

You would be surprised the things people send you in the mail. At any rate, I got this fun fact sheet and wanted to share it.

(Couldn't get the document on here as is, so I'm going to type a little of it out)
1. Sweet Potatoes
2. Mangoes
3. Unsweetened Greek yogurt
4. Broccoli
5. Wild Salmon
6. Crispbreads
7. Garbanzo Beans
8. Watermelon
9. Butternut Squash
10. Leafy Greens

1. Marie Callender's Chick Pot Pie
2. Parkay Margarine Sticks (Shopping tip: Look for tub margarines instead-most have little or no trans fat)
3. Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup (they referred to it as liquid salt)
4. Tortilla Terror - Chipotle Chicken Burrito (equals the amount of 3 6-inch subways BLT subs)
5. Factory reject - Cheesecake Factory Chocolate Tower Truffle Cake 2.5 days worth of saturated fat
6. Burial Grands - Pillsbury Grands! Southern Style
7. Triple bypass - Olive Garden's Tour of Italy
8. Starbuck on Steroids - Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mocha
9. Extreme Ice cream - Haagen-Daz half a day's saturated fat and a third of a day's cholesterol
10. Stone Cold - Cold Stone Creamery's Oh fudge!

Guess which list is the healthy list? Welp, reading this was an eye opener. If I can get pics of these charts, I'll add it to this post. Please make healthy decisions folks. Live on purpose! MuAh & CiAo!