Thursday, October 31, 2013

Breast Cancer Dedication - Funky Wrap Friday

In dedication of breast cancer month and specifically one of my clients, I wanted to remind everyone that even after Breast Cancer month is over, women still suffer with this disease and many other forms of cancer. In honor of that, I want this Friday to be Funky Wrap Friday. My client wraps her head in these pretty wraps because when she receives her treatment she loses her hair in clumps. This is a natural occurrence however ...and usually patients will wrap their hair, wear wigs or even cut all their hair off.

Quick tip:
Women, check your breasts every 3 months. Attached is a link to the proper way to check your breasts.

Your health is important. I checked my breasts two weeks ago and all is well. For those of you will lumpy breasts, like me, learn your body so you can determine if there are any changes. Of course you can also wrap your hair if you are looking for a new way to style any type of hair!

Join me tomorrow for Funky Wrap Friday! Follow me at @livlyhood to see pics of my wrap hairstyle. I'm looking forward to seeing your pics. Tag your pics  #funkywrapfriday.


Here are my wrapped pics!