Monday, October 28, 2013

You Can Touch My Hair....or Can You?

I spoke about this video last week and I wanted to gather everyone's thoughts of it this week. I was so excited to see this video because as I mentioned in my last post, it expresses a lot of the controversy around black hair. Should there even be controversy around black hair? Why is it so difficult for people to accept black hair (including black people)? I have heard SOoooo many opinions about my hair when it's pressed and when it's natural. From, "This look is the look for you" (both with pressed and natural hair) or "You look so nice with your natural hair, my natural hair doesn't look like yours." Comments vary.... some comments are not uplifting and did make me reconsider wearing natural styles, but in recent years, I have gotten to the point where some comments like that wouldn't bother me.

I feel that in order for people to be more comfortable with me as I am, and even for them to accept who they are and/or what it means for a black person to truly express their naturalness, I must first be comfortable with who I am. I am quite comfortable in my naturalness. In fact, I love it and would have it no other way, so for me, yes you can touch my hair if it allows you to understand what it is and inspires one to be creative with their hairstyles or allows them to feel comfortable in their naturalness. (clean hands of course, lol)

See the following video clip. Please share your thoughts. I'm so looking forward to hearing from you. :-)

Our Natural is Beautiful! MuAh & CiAo!