Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Women's Retreat Review - "I Shall Not Be Moved"

Before the retreat ended, I already had in mind that I would write a review because it was just that amazing! Women getting together in one room sounds like a disaster all by itself. However, the retreat proved to provide a very different experience both spiritually and physically. I am laughing now because from game night where the women were competitive to the sessions we had through the time was eye-opening. The women received knowledge on unlocking our power through emotions, unlocking our power with who we are as women and learning how to become like trees, planted in good soil and growing in faith to bear fruits of the spirit. Such an awesome, awesome weekend. There were over 70 women in attendance...more than half surprisingly were single women, which is good because the single women as well as the married ones needed to be filled and that we were!

The food was good in my opinion, but if you don't eat fish and chicken, idk if you would have been satisfied. We were also at a kosher retreat location, so that meant no hot food during Shabbat...I respected it and was happy to chomp on the tuna fish well seasoned for us. A picky eater may not have been pleased with the overall spread, but considering food was cooked for the masses, it was a job well done!

Our living space wasn't the Hilton by far, but it was spacious and ok. If you can handle 'cabin-like' or camping living with clean quarters that have hot water, you would be happy to stay here. It was clean, the space was awesome, the bonfire was very warm and inviting (though I didn't partake in the smore eating) and the staff were nice people.

Overall, I will rate the experience a 8.5 on a scale of 1-10. Very happy I attended, had a blast!!!