Friday, November 08, 2013

Skin Essentials- Hekalu Naturals

I am a believer! There are few products I try for my skin that I like. I am not a "mixologist" nor have I patented any of my concoctions. For persons that are not DIYers, I want to introduce you to Hekalu Naturals. Click link now to go directly to the page. At the women's retreat, Semona Watts, the owner of Hekalu Naturals (which is a family business) presented about skin, products we currently use that damage the skin and how some of these very same products over time can lead to cancer.

It was a life changing experience for many I'm sure from the gasps and oh Nos! I heard being yelped across the room as women expressed their surprise and discontent after learning that some of their beloved products are not good for them. Lucky for me, I have already begun the process of slowly weening myself off these products and have been incorporating more natural products into the care of my body. With that said, I'm happy to now include one of Hekalu Naturals butter into my body care...I've been finishing off body gels purchased in addition to using Castile Soap and I use a lot of great natural products to moisturize skin. It's awesome! I wonder if Hekalu Naturals would be so kind to create a smaller version of their great butters so I can carry one in my purse for work...hmm?

Well, I'm looking forward to receiving the shampoo bar this week. I would love to try one of the soaps too, but I'll finish off these other gels first. But readers, please check out her products, they are made from natural ingredients and they all smell so great. I literally had to inny, minny, mynnie, moo to pick out of the butters because they all smelled really awesome. AND my skin feels wonderful as well...but it usually is thanks to the oils boo got me as well. S/O to boo and Semona for hooking me up. Great things...Our Natural is Beautiful people, MuAh & CiAo!