Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nose Bleeding? Why and how to treat this naturally?

During my shower this morning and cleaning of my face, I found a blood clot in my nose...I immediately thought that I was getting sick and probably cut my nose or something, but I didn't feel congested or anything...I continued cleaning my nose and a little more blood came out...wasn't a whole lot to talk about, but enough for me to realize that this wasn't due to being sick. why is my nose bleeding? I became a little concerned.

Upon conducting research of my own, I soon learned that nose bleeding can be the symptom of many things, including dry atmosphere, whether it's dry heat or dry cold. In this case, I'm almost positive that my nose bleeding was due to a dry environment. Granted, if you have severe nose bleeds, you should go to the doctor to get in checked out. I read that it can be treated immediately by holding your head back and putting tissue in your nose to stop the gushing, running or dripping. However, this SHOULD NOT BE DONE. Doing this does NOT replace going to the emergency room or scheduling the closest apt with our doctor. It can lead to the inhalation of blood into the lungs, even if it can't be seen or swallowing of blood which can lead to vomiting. Not a great idea! Right on time, my boo provided me this article that speaks just to this issue of nose bleeding!

In case the article didn't open for you, it speaks to when a doctor should be seen. The article reported that nosebleeds are usually benign, however, if it persists, a doctor should be contacted after two five-minute sessions of leaning your head forward and applying pressure to your nose. It reported that nosebleeds can be symptomatic of high blood pressure, a tumor or a genetic malady in rare cases. Either way, it's always best to be safe than sorry. Using a saline solution or water based gel is could for moisturizing the nasal passage. Stay away from petroleum products because those products are harmful when inhaled.

Prognosis for me at this time:

Drink more water and stop playing the fool and run my humidifier...In the cold or any dry weather for that matter, I use my humidifier...that's why I bought it, but lately I haven't been using it. Guess I should now. Makes no sense to get rid of one issue to then have other issues to deal with. Of course better hydration is best. I found that throughout this weekend I have been super thirsty...your body typically knows what it needs, so give it! Speaking of which, let me finish this tea so I could get started on my water intake.

Take care of your bodies people! You are only given one. MuAh & CiAo!