Monday, November 18, 2013

Hair Essentials - Natural Hair Pics

Here are some recent pics of do's and pics of me in a recent photo shoot. This is just to give you an idea of protective and low maintenance styles. Also, if you have really thick hair, please try to find styles that are low-manipulation as well. 

Style #1
(Hair was in a pressed style, I washed it, twisted it, and took the twists out and pulled my hair back on the top and wore the twists out) Very simple
Style 2:

(Took some twists, roller set them with nickel size rollers, separated a section in the front to wear as a bang and pinned the rest of the top half into the center; then I pinned the back of the hair up to the left side in a somewhat French roll and let the twists go in the front to the side...used short hair pins to secure the roots of the twistouts so that it went in the direction I wanted it to go in)

Style 3:
(After washing and twisting hair, I used small black scrunchies around each twist to help stretch the twist, notice the close-up pics; next I pinned then all to the back of my head and wore a beanie for one day so hair could stretch without applying heat, then I took out the twists and bantu knotted it; see results)
With all these styles, I used shea moisture's enhancing smoothie and JCO.
These are all recent hair styles I did, very simple and easy to do. FYI - I made a huge error with the last do and had to cut some ends off, am still in the process of cutting ends, but it's for the best. DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE! If you have problems with hair taking a long time to dry, do not use a mist to help with the styling of the bantu knows (if you plan on taking out bantus before they completely dry the next day) I did and the ends of my hair was super puffy and filled with fairy knots! oh no! this weather my hair was quick to split and crack and any chances of having bad hair, I'm quick to get rid of it before it moves all the way up the hair shaft or destroy healthy hair next to it.
 So, that night I sat and twisted the hair and put back into bantu knots...the next day I went through and started trimming off the ends of hair that felt dry and damaged. My friends told me not to, but I know how my hair gets when I try to rush the process. Now it feels great! A client asked me if my hair grew :-/ It hasn't noticeable grown, no, but sometimes when your hair looks really healthy and it's stretched properly, it just looks amazing. My hair feels like strong clouds. I don't know how else to describe it. Also, here is the video I planned on sharing a video of another easy style. It's already on youtube, but I never actually put it up on the blog. Like my video por favor and follow me @livlyhood on IG MuAh & CiAo!