Thursday, November 21, 2013

Black Essentials is Changing!

My dear readers,

I am so happy that you have stayed with me and have read my posts. I have been blogging now for about 3yrs. I am excited about blogging, but have been a bit unhappy with the blog product I have been producing. In the past I made changes to the blog's color but in the past few months I have been considering a new platform AND a new Blog name! I know, it's a lot to take on, but I'm excited about this change and am hoping you follow me through it. There will be a designated IG name and everything for my blog and all of this is to come. I will continue to update you during the process and you can also check out my personal IG @livlyhood In the meantime, I will continue to post useful tips on how best to care for your hair, skin and nails in order to make being natural effortless for you.

I'm sooo exctied! I would love the support.Thanks so much for responding, asking questions and being supportive, MuAh & CiAo!