Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Hair Essentials - Hairstyles for Girls

Thanksgiving was such a wonderful time! Since my immediate family lives back at home in the Caribbean and my siblings are mostly in Florida and one in NY, I was not able to spend Thanksgiving with them, which was okay because I volunteered at the Trot for Hunger and then worked that Friday after Thanksgiving. At any rate, I had a blast at my girl's house where I ate Thanksgiving dinner. She has two adorable children and I was tasked to style her daughter's hair. Hairstyles for girls can be daunting at times becuase you don't want to give a child a grown person's hair style. Well,

It started out like this, LOL:

I couldn't get her to keep still and I was exhausted having been up from 5:00 that mornings to volunteer at the Trot, I simply allowed her daughter to comb my hair. My hair was a hot mess after that. Good thing I brought my supplies for detangling! lol Finally that evening and right before dinner, I was able to get her to sit tight during one of those cartoons and styled her hair in a quick but cute natural braided hairstyle. I even matched her ribbon to her dress. Super cute and easily for you to replicate.

Hope you like the pics I shared. Thanks for reading my post. Have a great day! MuAh & CiAo!