Thursday, February 13, 2014

Declutter a Naturalista's Life

I'm moving! So while there is all this change in my life, I want to get rid of some of the old. This means I need to Declutter my Life...starting with all these files and other paperwork I had stashed at my former job and in one of my dresser drawers. A snow day brought me to this, but I intend on making the bests use of the time.

I found on Oprah's website information by Suze Orman for decluttering. If you run a home business or any business, you can used the suggestions given in this article . I'm telling you it is helpful and being organized and clean looks good on everybody. Hope you find that article as helpful as I didn't. Now for me to get to my pike of paperwork.

MuAh & CiAo! @lofanaturalista

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