Friday, March 14, 2014

Natural Hair Craze

Apparently natural hair is in Yayyyy! But wait....O____O

I'm not super enthused about it. I enjoyed having natural hair because it was different. People weren't doing it...people weren't wearing natural hair wigs and full head natural weaves or nothing...but people are doing it. Should this be a problem? Is there such a thing as returning natural for the wrong reasons? I'm sure we all have various thoughts about it. It's a craze that might I add would be short-lived as hair crazes go.

Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy people loving on their natural hair and allowing their hair to grow un-tampered. I absolutely commend those people. (Now, I say people because men were getting perms too :-/ Probably still are getting perms) At any rate, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it is about this phenomenon of natural hair that has everyone "crazed" about it. That's like people being "crazed" over skin complexion. It's either you're born with it, or you aren't born with it. Even people who don't have natural texture hair are going natural, lol. It blows my mind a little bit.

I noticed that every so often, I have some opinion I'd like to share, so I'm going to call my "vent", for lack of a better work, "For the Record Friday." We all have something about natural hair that peeves us from time to time. That's what makes us human. If you got something you would like to share on For the Record Friday, please email all guest posts I would love to hear from you as well.

Friday was dedicated to Funky Wraps, but I can't wear wraps at my current job, womp! But if you wear a wrap on Friday, post pics and tag me @lofanaturalista. I would love to see it!

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