Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Treat Stress

I get so weak in the knees i can hardly speak, i lose all control, but not over my boo. It's my crimson tide. It's really so unbearable that first day, that walking around and even chewing my food becomes a huge chore. I know that I need to find ways to de-stress after it leaves, so I did a quick search and found this article. Titled 8 Natural Ways to Fight Stress.Click here to read article.

Sounds great already. Granted, if planning de-stressing activities creates more stress, just try fitting in pauses into your schedule where you can take deep breaths to help relieve some stress throughout the day OR take a day off and just stay in bed and get rested. If any of you are like me, staying home sick, even when you really need to rest = taking care of errands, even if that includes chores or paying bills at home. However, that is still ALL STRESSFUL. RELAX ALREADY. You deserve it. I know I do and that is why I'm home...but here I am making a blog post :-/
Let me take my own advice and relax for a change. Afterall, Rome wasn't built in a day. The world would be just fine without one superhero for a day, lol. Until my next post, MuAh & CiAo!

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