Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Guest Featured - Chalcia

natural hair, hair growth retention

Every heard of yarn braids? Well, I've been hearing lots about yarn braids and how it's been used to help with growth and maintaining length. I have even considered going that route when I finally decide to grow my hair out, but I wanted first hand knowledge about yarn braids. I mean, Just How Does It Work? Read below to learn more about Chalcia and her experience with yarn braids. Perhaps you may try it too!

1) Why do you like yarn braids?

 Yarn braids have many advantages. They are light weight, cheap, and easy to install. You install them the same way you do box braids. You dont have to hot water them, but you burn the ends instead. They are also easy to style, the braids mold to fit any style and go in any direction.

2) How have they worked for me?

I had had in my yarn braids for 1 month and 2 weeks. My hair grew an inch and a little.


3) What else would you like to include?

After installing my yarn braids, i realized that my scalp was drier than usual. Being myself, i automatically assumed that it was the yarn braids that were the problem. After a month of my yarn braids i decided to take them out, but mid process i ended up wrapping my braids & turning them into yarn dreads/wraps. In all honesty, i prepared myself for the worse take-down ever. I thought my hair would have completely dried out & brittle (i have color/bleach in my hair). I thought i would have to cut my hair and start over. But instead, my hair grew, my strands arent dry at all, my hair is basically normal.

Are you convinced about trying yarn braids? Have you tried them and if so what were your results? Please share with me at niaimbue@gmail.com or feel free to leave a comment below! Follow me on IG @lofanaturalista and Twitter @livlyhood. MuAh & CiAo!

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