Thursday, December 11, 2014

Blog Feature - Angelina Jolie

“Prevention is better than cure”

Angelina Jolie

 Earlier this year, Jolie informed the public that she had double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery due to learning of her 87% chance of breast cancer and because she carried the BRAC1 gene.  She reported having the double mastectomy first because her risk for breast cancer was much higher at 87% for breast cancer than was her risk for ovarian cancer at 50%. Now, she’s currently discussing with her trusted medical professionals about having another preventive surgery for ovarian cancer.

This caused the Angelina Jolie effect – where referral rates to breast cancer clinics doubled. Were you the cause of this? Have you ever gotten your breasts screened? If so, when was the last time? Our health is absolutely important and early detection is really important to treating breast cancer. After all, you can’t treat what you don’t know, right?
Angelina Jolie pictured with mother who died in 2007 at age 56 of ovarian cancer

Hats goes off to Angelina Jolie for taking care of her body and taking preventative measures to treat herself. This reminds me that I haven’t gotten my breasts checked in over 2 yrs. You know, sometimes you learn more about people when you take the time to get to know them versus taking what the media says about them in the tabloids and other media outlets.

After watching an interview about her role as Director in the film, Unbroken which unfolds the life and resilience of Louis Zamperini, an Olympian runner, I felt like I understood more about who she is as a strong woman, a mother, an actress and a director. It made me interested in learning more about what led her to directing this life story. Just really speaks to who she is an individual. Angelina Jolie….a beautiful and effortless woman featured in the blog Life of a Naturalista. This was certainly an inspiration to me. I hope it was an inspiration for you. MuAh & CiAo!
breast cancer
p.s. See Breast Cancer Awareness website for more information.

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