Thursday, December 18, 2014

Post Dedicated to Titi Branch - Miss Jessie's Cofounder

This week I did the cayenne & oil treatment. I decided to heat the oil up by mixing the ingredients together on a saucer and then putting the mixture in the microwave for a few seconds. I applied the mixture to my scalp and then washed my hair with Argonne Shampoo. Directly after the wash, my hair was tangled and felt like straw…as though the shampoo had washed all the moisturizer and my hair’s natural moisturizer out of my hair. I then conditioned with Wen’s treatment conditioner and that brought some life back to my hair. I went ahead with my LCO Method:

1.       Sprayed my 50/50 mixture of vegetable glycerin & water

2.       Moisturized with my new usual moisturizer

3.       Then seal moisture with almond oil. (I believe that’s the oil I used this time)

I rocked it in a twist-out the next day, but there was still this “squeaky clean” feeling and my hair felt somewhat dry. I haven’t experienced this in awhile, so I was taken aback a little bit. I moisturized it again 2 days later (which was yesterday) and it felt better, but still not the same and then finally this morning, I repeated the LCO method before I left the house and finally today it felt like my regular moisturized hair. Perhaps, it’s the biting cold that made it feel dry or it could be the squeaky clean shampoo I used.

Generally the Wen’s cleansing conditioner works well for my hair. But every now and then, I like to wash my hair with a shampoo. Perhaps my hair is spoiled. IDK, but the Cleansing Conditioner cleans my scalp and hair perfectly, especially after a workout.

More importantly, I do know that Miss Jessie’s Curly Meringue is known for making great twist outs and for other manipulative styling. I’ve had many clients talk about how the greatness of Miss Jessie’s product line. In memory of Miss Jessie’s cofounder, Titi Branch, I just want to say that it’s because of you and your sister that we have many of the “black” hair products we do now. Your ideas kick-started black women wanting to achieve their best natural look and companies to develop hair products that caters better to our hair needs. For that, we thank you. You will always be remembered by the consumers of your products and by the hair bloggers that rave about your products. Condolences to the family once again. May your family find peace after this loss.

-          Life Of A Naturalista      -

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