Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Pumpkin Face Treatment?

So I saw this ad on groupon for this deal
First off. what in the what? Pumpkin Face treatment? Just what are the health benefits? I decided to do a little research and this is what I found...
Suddenly a plethora of benefits and skin treatments popped up. What is all this and why do I want to spread pumpkin all over my face? The things people come up with! That's my pessimistic side speaking. I kept searching and in summation found that there are benefits to a pumpkin facial:

1. Softens dry skin with natural oils for face/lips
2. A pumpkin mask can break away dead skin
3. Can protect against dehydration on skin

Seems like this may be a great product for me to use as I tend to have normal to dry skin. Even with tthis "wintery" air, it might not hurt to give it a whirl and see what happens. Guess another DIY video is on the way. I have down another video with a exfoilating mask, so perhaps I can try this mask and then compare the two.

I will use this mixture found here who got the recipe from Jenni from Jenni Rain Cloud blogger:

Ingredients (makes one application)
  • 1 tablespoon cooked pumpkin
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • optional: 1 teaspoon Vitamin E (Find quality, non-GMO, natural Vitamin E soft gel capsules)
 **If you are acne prone or excessively oily, below is a better recipe for you**
  1. Mix and mash all ingredients together and apply to skin.
  2. Leave on skin for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with cool water and cleanser.
Let's see how well it works on my skin. the recipe and blog post states that it works best for any skin. Here goes nothing! I've added the ingredients they have here, so I'll have to do my shopping and then follow-up with you about doing this mask the moment I gather all my ingredients. MuAh & CiAo for now. Until my next post, stay effortless! Oh and I'll do the cayenne pepper treatment during this wash. I forgot to carry oil while I was away at training and couldn't do the treatment at my last wash last Thursday. Anyhoo, this week I should be able to get it done. Later!

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