Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Few Pictures from 2015

See Below For Things I would have done differently:

1. Change of venue. The venue makes such a difference: granted the food was great and the price could not be beat, the space was the perfect size for my event and the service was outstanding...only issue really was the ugly columns in the room that blocked some people's sight to the happenings on the dance floor and the head table. I didn't have enough time to find another venue that fit the price range I was looking for, so I went ahead with it. (Did I mention the food was good though? - because that's important)

2. Hire a Day of Wedding Coordinator or Wedding Coordinator- I wished I went with my right spirit and hired a day of coordinator when I realized that one of my closest friends (who I had hoped would love to be one of my coordinators) would not be attending the destination wedding. The task of decorating and being the wedding coordinator was just too much for one person, sorry sis. The ball was dropped and my type A personality noticed everything that was missing, but again, it is too much for one person to handle in 24hours or less for sure - although my sis had 2.5 days, but that's another story for another day.

3. Tried on my dress several times before the day (outside of alteration try-ons ) - I would have realized that the straps would never stay up and I would have worn the dress strapless or worn a bra and pinned the straps to the bra. I was just never one of those chicks where I had to live in my wedding dress before the event. Otherwise, I loved my dress. loved the bustle, love the cost. The alterations could have been cheaper (if I had enough time to find someone affordable to alter the dress) and I could have saved money by not purchasing the long veil when I really wanted the bird cage veil (which I borrowed from a friend for no cost!) I loved that birdcage veil!

4. Look at the mirror before I left the hotel room (on time or not) but also just to make sure that my attitude was in check. I got it in check on the ride in, but I wish I had done so in front of the mirror in my hotel suite. That way I could have applied additional make-up, change my hair or just do whatever I wanted to do, but I was so bent on getting to the church on time so that people who I knew were flying back right after the ceremony would be able to enjoy the wedding in its entirety all 30 minutes of it (if even) lol

Everything else I must say went well. Even though the DJ thing fell ALL THE WAY through, I honestly didn't care and wasn't bothered by it so much. Because I was organized, I was able to d/l all the music needed to by ipad with just a few simple touches and the help of my hubs and we just handed it over to the church's AV lady at the time and plugged the music into speakers for the same clean sound. Honestly, didn't even make a difference really. LOL AND I saved $300 (and YES, the DJ I thought I hired was a family friend and gave us a super DEEP discount) ah well, that's my mother's fault for not completing that transaction. but boy am I glad I left my wedding with $300 more in my pocket and NO WEDDING DEBT. Best feeling ever in the world. I still got friends paying off wedding debt - that's for the birds!

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