Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I wanna grow locs!

Yea, I know. I'm always coming up with something new. I've always wanted to grow locks, but there were always other styles that I wanted to do now. I still have a few other styles that I would like to try, but I think locking my hair now is pretty good timing, right?

I found a few pics of locs that i love...I'm not certain the exact thickness/thinness I'm going to go for. but I want it to be dope. Plus i can color the hair and everything. AND i'm starting my locks on my hair whatever length it is.

And then, check this blog out for even thicker styles: I found the following blog and won't you believe the blog looks similar to mind, so I was excited about that. Please follow locswithstyle: http://locswithstyle.blogspot.com/

Fell free to follow me at @livlyhood on Twitter & @lofanaturalista on Instagram
MuAh & CiAo!

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