Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Creative Natural Hair Updo

I posted a picture of a recent hairdo and by the end of the week as I was getting ready to take my hair out for wash day, I realized I needed to recreate the look so I can post a pictorial. 
It's very easy to re-create!

I think the hairstyle can be used for a wedding or a nice formal event where an updo would be fitting. It can be done on short medium hair to shoulder length hair. If you have longer hair you can do it, but the front portion will be more voluminous. Pictorial here we go:


I think the colors add a touch of fun, but overall this is a quick hairstyle and it can be done on hair that needs to be washed or on fresh hair. Doesn't really matter. 
Feel free to leave me a comment or a message if you have any questions. 

MuAh & CiAo!

@lofanaturalista on Insta 

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