Monday, September 19, 2016

Top 5 Reasons To Have Natural Hair

1. VERSATILITY - The versatility is amazing! While over manipulation on any hair type is bad for hair, beginning a style (ie. braids, extensions, etc.) allows the stylist to work with strong hair.

2. THE "REAL" YOU - Expressing your truest form of self an doing so bold;y increases your self-esteem AND it may even provide someone else with the courage they need to wear their natural hair.

3. LOW MAINTENANCE COST - Getting a perm every 4-6 wks, much less the conditioning treatments every week or so to maintain your hair can be costly. While natural hair care can be a lot to maintain at first, once you find products and regimens that work for you, all you really need is time and patience. With that comes healthy hair without spending loads at the salon...that is unless you pay for a dubie in New York - that jawn is like $15, lol.

4. MEN LOVE IT - Now, if you don't maintain your curls, that's not hot. Noone wants to see you walking around looking like a mop head, natural, permed or transitioning.

5. WEATHER FRIENDLY - A Great protective style does alot for you, but when it starts raining at your friend's outdoor wedding and I don't have to run like Usain Bolt to find covering for my hair, that makes me feel good inside. My natural hair is MORE RESILIANT.

And so I love it! Embrace all of your natural beauty and enhance it by learning what works best for your type of natural hair and face shape. You'll be surprised the difference this can make.

MuAh & CiAo! 
@lofanaturalista on IG

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