Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Sneak Peak Into My Inner Thoughts

I was recently fascinated with this show, honestly, it may not have been as recent as i'm letting on. Now that I put more thought into it, it could have been about a year ago. At any rate, it made the inside of my head hum in excitement because I was so intrigued and eager to learn more about neurology. Granted, this area of study is very closely related with the type of work I do.

The other day I spoke with a client about her child who is really sensitive to touch and hearing. I know, all you therapists are immediately thinking of a diagnosis along the lines of anxiety or autism. However, the more she described her son, his hypersensitivities to touch and sound, his socialization skills, his humor (yea, I know, humor) I became even more baffled.

In my head, I kicked myself in the shins because I felt that this was precisely the moment where my knowledge of neurology could have made me soar in providing the help this family needed, but Nooooooo, I still haven't gone back to school for neuropsychology.

I wish I could intern for a month or two in a neuropsychological setting and create experiments/tests to assess someone neuro-health. Instead, I'm helping my clients by connecting them with useful resources so that they may be emotionally and physically sound individuals. Pretty good work I do! I absolutely enjoy it too, but every now and again, I get a itch for something else, LOL. Who doesn't?!


I wonder what people are hypersensitive too...would you feel comfortable sharing it with me anonymously. I'd love to hear about it all. Anyway, get out of my head! lol MuAh & CiAo.
Follow me on Insta @lofanaturalista

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