Thursday, January 19, 2017

Happy New Year!

Where has the time gone? I find blogging during the holidays to be extremely tough. If you keep up with me on Instagram, you would have seen a few pictures here or there. But let me catch you up on this wonderful thing called life.

Guess what? I got a wig!!!!!! Yayy! Cost me an arm and a leg of my lil separate money  (which is now diminished thanks to the holidays) but I do love it. I wore it a few times thus far and let me tell you, it has made my life so sweet considering the cold weather and the dangers this cold brings to my hair.

But then, not only did I purchase a wig, I also pressed my hair. AND it came out flawlessly AND it lasted for weeks on weeks on weeks. lol I just wanted to type that, but it really did last for weeks. (Don't judge me for my crop jobs of these pics - I will share more in detailed blogs to come.)

And now, after having a freshly washed head, I'm glad to be back in the land of single twist and twist-outs. I used this AMAZING OIL conditioning treatment that has my hair smelling like INSERT FAVORITE SMELL HERE. I mean this treatment was a weird orange-ish color, but the smell was divine and I skipped the wash after the treatment so my hair could maintain the yummy-ness of that smell. Instead, I went straight to conditioning and then a quick rinse in lukewarm to then cold water. OH my scalp needed that!

I actually got this product as a sample from a Natural Hair Convention I attended a few years ago in Baltimore, MD. I knew I had a couple natural hair samples left, so I decided to search my hair goodie baskets to see what I could find and there it was... the African Heating Oil by Taliah Waajid. I've spoken about their other products in past posts (years ago that is.) The Curly Curl Cream is one of my favorites from this product line, but this bottled oil goodness makes me want to purchase an entire 7oz. bottle. Once I see how it works with my hair over the course of a week and before my next wash, I will make a final decision. But so far, so good. (More deets to come!)

There is so much to share about my hair care not only for the Winter, but just over the holiday season. Of course, mistakes made are definitely something to share as well. Heating tools will all be in the mix with my upcoming posst. I can't wait to share more with you.

Bisou, bisou, bisou. aka Muah & Ciao!

Don't forget to Follow Me +Lofanaturalista  on IG lofanaturalista and my Facebook Page: Livlyhood Naturalista!

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